I am so happy to begin blogging again. Facebook is "The Beast" and I'm kind of tired of feeding it. I've got people to discuss with, content to share, clients to wow. As I was creating this page, I just found out that one of the weirdest, (intentionally) dumbest, short films I've ever made got into this fun little festival, "The Evanston Experimental Film Festival".
I've been told there's a pandemic going on right now so you might wonder, how will this film festival take place?
Why outdoors, of course, silly! My first screening at a film festival will be at the drive-in (or is it a walk-up and sit down?). Anyway, I'm really happy they're social distancing. There will also be a virtual festival for those who maybe aren't quite confident yet that it's a good idea to go out to movie.
So look out for, "Your Visit To The Museum Of The Modern Gif" coming to an outdoor film festival, probably not very near you on July 30th! I may not sound like it, but I am pretty excited.
As far as the site goes, well, I'll publish it now and just keep fixing it. My old site, which I guess I must not have really wanted anyone to see, was utter garbage so, right now, if you're reading this, well, this is the new site. Look forward to more blogging, exclusive video content, links to my books, my Literate Ape articles, and my movies as they become available. Hopefully soon, I'll have a link to buy a DVD of "Tell Me About My Mother" for those who have yet to see it. And soon, I plan to launch my Vimeo page where I can sell my upcoming films.
I'm not quite sure where this will lead, but I've got the training, experience, and equipment now, so I can make my movies, and if you'd like, I can make yours too!

Ready for my close up.